Take Action

Our approach: Women’s voluntary and community organizations are vital to building sustainable and thriving communities. These groups play a crucial role in promoting equality and advancing women's rights, ensuring that every woman’s voice is heard and valued.

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Get Your Voice Heard

At W4WE, we empower women to take an active role in shaping their communities and advocating for the issues that matter most to them. Through collective action and support, we strive to create a more equitable and just society where women’s contributions are recognized and celebrated.

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Enabling Partnerships

Enabling partnership working between women's organisations and gathering evidence to make a robust case for the sustainability of the women's sector.

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Advocacy and Funding

Influencing funders and decision-makers to ensure that the women's sector has fair access to sustainable funding and providing voice and leadership for the women's sector.

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Securing Funding

Our immediate objectives for supporting the Southwark community include working towards securing a substantial £2,000,000 investment from the Mayor of London.

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Petition Launch

We are launching a petition under our “Speaking Up for Women” campaign, advocating for a specialized fund dedicated to supporting women.

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Policy Summit

We aspire to host the Mayor’s first-ever Women’s Policy Summit, increasing awareness of the challenges facing women in Southwark.

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National Conference

Our commitment to leadership includes hosting a national conference to bring together women from various organizations to share insights and strategies.

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Coordinated Efforts

We are working towards establishing a coordinated effort within the London VAWG Consortium to deliver services reaching over 12,500 women and girls.

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International Advocacy

We intend to lead the CEDAW shadow reporting process, continue our advocacy at international levels, and promote leadership through our Feminist Leadership Training and Network for Black Women Leaders programs.

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Online Shop Launch

We plan to launch an online shop to support independent women sellers and collaborate with MOPAC to update police vetting practices.

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More About Us

Discover the impact we are making in our community and how you can get involved in supporting women’s rights and empowerment.

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